Monday, August 15, 2005

The Gaza withdrawal brings with it hope and dishonesty

Today is one of the most significant days in the entire Israeli/Palestinian conflict with the official begining of the Gaza withdrawal. Given the events of the last five years (hell, given the events of the last 100+ years in the region) I think it's natural to have some healthy skepticism about it. But, I think it's quite dishonest to watch the way many of the left wing commentators on this matter are essentially ignoring it's impact by either claiming it's not enough and/or by claiming it's a diversion tactic. And i reject this. What this is a step taken by a country to retreat from legally acquired (yes, i said legally. unless you consider half of this country illegally occupied of course)land for nothing in return. That is quite extraordinary even if its long term effect may be negated by the refusal of the Palestinians to reciprocate.

And that's a second way in which dishonesty is showing: one would think now that Israel has taken a huge step, dismantled the settlements and removed its citizens, some of whom do not want to leave, that the next step would fall at the feet of the PA. Unsurprisingly, it does not seem that the left wing commentators are doing this. Rather, they are pointing their finger right back at Israel and saying "that's not enough."

And that my friends is the very definition of a dishonest approach to this situation.


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