Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My brain's finally starting to function right again

Needless to say, 18 hours or so of travelling done over the course of two days can certainly drain you of your mental faculties. But I've recoverred sufficiently to toss off a few snippets:

-the whole "Top 50 movies" thing is essentially dead. I simply don't have the time or the energy to make smartass comments about 50 movies right now. I think I might just list them in a short form list later this week. But I promise to come up with some meaningless list at some point in the next year to make up for it.

-My optimism for SNL's recovery was quickly thwarted by Saturday's debacle. It's not like the concepts aren't there. The Indigo Girls sketch and Finnesse Mitchell's commentary on Rosa Parks were just begging for some edgy humor. Unfortunately, SNL can't be bothered to take chances, so they both disappointed. I'm not even gonna get into the "Carole" sketch, but suffice it to say, my current feeling towards Horatio Sanz are the antithesis of what they were to Belushi and Farley's sad demises.

-My fantasy B-ball team may score more points than any team in history and may also throw up more bricks as well. Yay!


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