Monday, August 22, 2005

Lazy weekend = lots of crappy reality shows

Part of the fun of having a completely lazy, event free weekend (albeit one which I used to do some work) is having time to catch up on TV watching. In particular, this weekend I checked out three new "reality" shows that looked somewhat interesting.

First, there was the Battle of the Network Reality Stars, a takeoff on the old Battle of the Network Stars. The only problem with this was that almost half of the participants were from CBS and so they divided teams randomly by-well, by complete chance. This lack of rhyme or reason made for some interesting combos, my favorite being Team Miz with Real World's Mike "the Miz", Richard Hatch from survivor, that chick from American Idol who was on the surreal life and the midget..i mean little person from Amazing Race. If there's a hell, I'd say Team Miz was certainly the team it was rooting for. The show itself is awful. The two biggest highlights were Coral from the real world's breasts, which may be the hugest breasts on earth, sticking out from a tiny bikini as she was repeatedly dunked in the dunk tank competition. The fact that there was a "dunk tank competition" should be enough to show how worthless this show was.

Next up was "Tommy Lee goes to college," as great of a premise as there possibly could be. You'd have thought by the end of the first episode, Tommy would have screwed at least ten freshmen, passed out in a pile of his own vomit and pulled at least one zany prank. Alas, Mr. Lee is actually serious about his studies and even takes on a tutor to help with his chemistry homework. The tutor in question is of course gorgeous and so naturally Tommy...pines after her like a school boy? This is the guy who had sex with Pamela Anderson, Heather Locklear and god knows how many porn stars and he's sweating some college girl? Apparently, my album covers have lied to me all these years.

Finally, there's "The Girls next door" which is all about Hugh Hefner playmate girlfriends. To say this show sucked is an understatement: when three playboy playmates fly to Vegas and meet up with two more playmates (and, um, Jeff Garcia?) and no naughty hijinks ensue, it's time to change the channel. I mean, yeah, it's E! but come on: this was so unsexy, i'd probably watch the battle of the Network stars again to see Coral's ridonculous boobs than watch this again.


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