Thursday, September 15, 2005

Random Thoughts for a Thursday

-The Yankees are currently 2 1/2 games back on the Sox and basically tied with Cleveland for a wild card spot. The Boston thing i get, but Cleveland? I mean, have they done anything since they traded Manny back in the day? If the Yanks miss the playoff to them,it will be as embarassing as the 2002 loss to the Angels if not worse.

-Bush has said he accepts responsibility for Katrina "to the extent it was a federal responsibility." As a lawyer, I'm quite adept at parsing through bullshit and seeing it for what it is. And basically, Bush might as well have said that he "accepts responsibility to the extent that he can't blame it on the uppity n&&*er mayor and dumb bitch governor." Because that's what he meant.

-Caught this new show "The Reality Show" starring my cousin Dan Levy on MTV the other night. High Concept: a reality show where reality shows compete to become a reality show. Best two contestants were the fake celebrity black chicks and lying Indian party animals. I don't really think this needs any further explanation.

-and speaking of reality shows, Kill Reality did exactly what it's title implies: it killed any chance of anyone ever taking reality stars seriously as actors or human beings. Anytime you have a person, in this case Survivor's uber villain Johnny Fairplay, who needs to have it explained to them why taking a shit in someone else's bed WHILE THEY'RE IN THE BED is about the worst thing in the world, you know you're dealing with functioning retards. My only hope is that Fairplay gets his own show where he's followed around to celebrity's homes and watches as he takes dumps in their beds. Hell, I'm sure Fox will pick it up.

-finally, there's actually a pretty decent column in the new Maxim about Randy Moss. It's written by a female writer and she can't help but go on and on about how decent Randy is in real life. Which begs the question: was she expecting he would rape her or something? well, maybe not begs, but certainly something that makes you go hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

OOO, piece of candy.


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