Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Holiday movie-palooza

Nothing like a long weekend to catch a plethora of movies both in the theater and at home. To be fair, my movie watching actually begin in earnest Thursday night and included the following:

-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. This film's been getting alot of bad press lately and has topped a few "worst of" lists. Which I think is both incredibly unfair and inaccurate. True, the film is a bit disjointed and seems much more interested in pleasing fans of the original books than making new ones. There were alot of points where I found myself confused, but overall, the mix of british humor and sci-fi storyline made it a fun romp. Sam Rockwell stole the movie with his over the top performance. Worth checking out on cable or renting it.

-Munich. Another victim of unfair press, this time for it's alleged moral equivalence between Israeli assassins and the Munich terrorists. Not a shock that there was controversy over this matter, but anyone who watched this film with an open mind couldn't come away with such a conclusion. The film itself is very well done and Eric Bana's performance was Oscar worthy. Like many films of this ilk, it's about 45 minutes too long and definitely loses steam before wrapping it up quite well at the end. Not sure if it's the best movie of the year, but considering this year's crop has sucked, it may be by default.

-Coach Carter. Lean on Me meets Dangerous Minds meets every down and out sports team movie ever made. And yet, despite it's cliched nature, somehow, it was still fairly entertaining. Samuel L. Jackson definitely lifts this movie above the mediocrity the story weighs it down with, but there are just too many slow moments and unnecessary subplots that could have been to cut to improve the movie's flow. Worth checking out on cable or a rental if you like Jackson or sports movies in general.

-The Family Stone. Stay away from this abomination of a film. From the trailer, it appeared to be a "Meet the Parents" type movie and at times, it does act like that. But there is so much else going on and most of it is more annoying than actually helpful to the plot. None of the characters are particularly likeable and some really serve no purpose in the film at all. Just a huge waste of time unless you enjoy self-important hypocrites shouting down annoying unappealing outsiders.


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