Tuesday, December 20, 2005

TWU fucks over New Yorkers and other unions

Having survived my first of possibly many $10 cab rides this morning, I can't help but feel nothing but utter contempt for the Transit Workers Union. Not only did they openly deceive their own members about the MTA's offers, but now, they've chosen to shut the transit system down 1) during the busiest time of the year and 2) during 20 degree weather. So in the end, they're fucking over the middle to lower class people to whom 10 bucks each way in a cab is too much money. They've been the really bad guys throughout this whole process and I feel zero pity for them. I do pity those who have to walk through this weather and the other unions who will now be looked at as being similar to these douchebags.

And let's not forget the MTA in all this. They've been providing awful service for quite some time while jacking up the prices. Meanwhile, they've yet to improve anything, haven't started the 2nd Avenue railroad, haven't tried to solve the Rockland County commuting problem (they're gonna build another way for Long Islanders to get directly into the city, but they can't build one for Rockland?) and now, allowed the Union workers to go on strike.

No good guys here.


Blogger Brian said...

Commuting sucks today (and will for many more I'm sure). Hard to find a good guy in this fight. I'm especially annoyed at the MTA at this particular moment because of all the hubbub they made over their surplus. I'm sure later I'll be pissed at the Union again.

Share your pain for the no direct Rockland Route, but you have to look at your numbers when deciding where to create your new trains. Rockland County has about 300,000 people living in it, Long Island, almost 3,000,000.

9:32 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

Like I said, neither side is in my good graces right now. But, the TWU was offerred a big improvement over the "final" offer the MTA made last night and could've conceivably stopped the clock and worked to get a deal done. And considering that some of these workers make more money than I do, I really have very little pity for them.

And they're fucking over other unions by being so pigheaded.

1:08 PM  

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