Friday, December 02, 2005

Ron Artest-the interview

HBO on Demand has a 20 minute unedited interview with Mr. Artest which was shot for Real Sports. First off, the fact that they are showing this unedited and apart from the original airing is awesome and part of what makes HBO on demand awesome. Not only can you see repeats of your favorite shows, watch movies over and over, but they actually give you great content like this. I wish the other on demand channels followed suit.

Secondly, after listening to the whole thing, it's clear that Artest 1) is in no way remorseful for what happened and 2) is severely mentally scarred from his childhood. I don't think he's a bad person per se, but he's in need of some heavy duty psychoanalsis and therapy. And from the sound of it, he'll never get the help he needs until he finally gets thrown out of the league (and I'm now betting on it happening sooner rather than later) and/or he gets in trouble with the law. It's a compelling interview and very much worth watching. But it's also quite sad.


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