Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Giving Thanks

So every year, the meaning of Thanksgiving gets tossed about and you get some predictable answers about family, friends and the genocide of Native Americans (always a fun topic to discuss while passing stuffing and cranberry sauce). Personally, I'm just thankful to be here. To be alive and to be able to live my life the way that i choose. It isn't a perfect life, but it's a good one and one that I often take for granted while trudging through the routine. The good and bad always seems to end up evening out in the end, with the good outlasting the bad like any good NBA team outlasts the Knicks: eventually, the bad just starts making costly mistakes and gives up. So for all in my life who've helped make it so, I say thank you. And for the person who once told me that "blogs are supposed to be personal, fucker", words on a blog can never express my deepest gratitude to her. This year has trumped the last ten simply for her involvement in it. I hope she knows that.

"Such a long, long time to be gone, and a short time to be there."


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