Monday, November 21, 2005

TV viewing habits of a bored lawyer

Not that anyone asked, but here's what I'm regularly viewing these days. Generally, I stick to comedies when it comes to TV and usually loathe reality TV, but there are some exceptions:

Sunday: Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, Curb your enthusiasm and The Boondocks. I really did like Rome, but once I missed a few, it was hard to get back into it. I feel about it the same way I feel about Deadwood: good, not great show and not something I'd spend my time on.

Monday: How I met your Mother, WWE Raw. Yes, I still watch wrestling. Yes, Mondays are infinitely more sucky without Arrested Development.

Tuesday: My Name Is Earl, The Office. Scrubs, come back. There's plenty of room for you!

Wednesday: South Park. Nothing on that interests me. Usually a good day to watch the Knicks lose.

Thursday: The Aprentice. Has really gone downhill fast. The winners and losers are so patently obvious, they have to throw curveballs like the four person firing. Pretty big sign of desperation.

Friday: Degrassi, WWE Smackdown. Yes, I still watch Canadian teenage melodramas. Hey, if it's good enough for Kevin Smith, why not me?

Saturday: TNA:Impact, SNL. TNA is a new wrestling group which features alot of the WWE guys from the late 90s and early 20 oughts. Usually, they have some of the better matches you'll see. The wrestlers have no personality to speak of, but neither do most of the people on SNL. Speaking of which, I watch SNL more out of habit than joy.


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