Friday, November 11, 2005

Sucking at Adam Sandler's teet

I was watching David Spade's "Showbiz Show" this morning when I started thinking about how sad it was that he and several of his SNL alumni are all basically living off of Adam Sandler's success. To a certain extent, he, Chris Rock and Rob Schneider are all living and dying in Hollywood based on their friendship with Sandler. Rock does this minimally and really could live without Sandler's help. His best work was between 1996 and around 2001, right before he came out with "Down to Earth" and "Head of State." Spade probably wouldn't be such a leech if Farley were still alive and he could be playing Akroyd to Farley's Belushi. His new show is pretty bad and he seems so unhappy that he failed at becoming a movie star and had to revert back to the Hollywood minute type snippiness. As for Schneider, has he done anything since he left SNL without Sandler? I mean, what dirt does he have on Sandler that allows him to keep making shit movies? The more and more I learn about him, the more I hate him. Read Jay Mohr's book and read about his Sushi ritual. Ugh.


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