Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Election Day 2005

I hope everyone went out and voted today. I know, it's a crappy election year. I felt like O'Bannon in Dazed n' Confused when I got to the voting booth ("It's election day, there's no fucking national election, no fucking governor's race, the mayoral race is a joke. Where's some freshmen I can beat?"). Still, it's a right many have died for and out of respect for them, it's important to go vote for the many positions you never knew existed. A couple of observations:

-Greatest party line ever: "Rent is too Damn High". This will be topped next year by the "Women be shopping" party.

-Bernard Goetz-as in Subway Shooter Bernie Goetz-was running for a position this year. I was very close to voting for him on the basis of surefire comedy hijinks, but then I realized I'd be voting for everything I opposed. OK, maybe not, but voting for him is kinda creepy.

-Got to meet the Democratic nominee for city council outside my polling station. Nice personal touch which definitely trumps the 200,000,000 phone messages, fliers and assorted other garbage they've been inudating us with. That's all it takes. Save your money, buy a big tub of anti-bacterial gel and press the flesh.


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