Friday, December 30, 2005

Best and Worst of 2005

With 2005 about to take it's last grasp, figured I'd summarize this year for posterity sake with some highlights and lowlights. For this, there really is no rhyme or reason, just some random ups and downs from this year including a few of my favorite things:

Best Movie: Batman Begins. I realize that this selection automatically places my serious movie clout into question, but considering the weakness of this year's crop (and my general avoidance of indies this year), this was a fairly easy choice. Great acting (except from Katie Holmes), great story and great execution. I doubt the Superman relaunch will be as successful, but I've always preferred Batmamn over Superman anyway.

Worst Movie: Kicking and Screaming. Not so much for the film itself, but for what it represents to Will Ferrell's career. After several awesome roles, he really didn't need to make this Bad News Bears ripoff. Hopefully, Mr. Ferrell will be a little more picky in choosing his roles from now on.

Best TV show: Family Guy. It's been on fire since it returned and it's just great to have it back on the air.

Worst TV show: The Simpsons and SNL. Two longtime favorites in the need of cancellation (the Simpsons) and a retooling (SNL). It's been painful watching both struggle.

Best Album/Worst Album: None. Honestly, music has by and large passed me by. I want to get back into it, but have just felt so detached from what's being put out there that I can't find a reason to bother. I bought I believe 7 cds this year and hardly listen to any of them.

Best gift (perhaps ever): My I-Pod mini. Completely changed how I listen to music. Words alone can't describe its awesomeness.

Best trip: My February New Orleans trip. Good food, gambling, drinking, and Lindsay Lohan. Plus beignets, which is French for crack.

Worst trip: Road trip to Roanoke. Mostly for the excessive driving and Roanoke's crappiness. No need to visit. Ever.

Best new experience: Hanging out with my friend's child. Babies rock.

Worst new experience: Having to endure endless jokes that I'm said child's father because of our matching red hair.

Best quote of the year: "Blogs are supposed to be personal, fucker"

Worst quote of the year: "It's mono"

Best thing about 2005: Ending the year with a wondeful person by my side.

Worst thing about 2005: the root canal I endured before our first date.

Happy New Year everyone.


Blogger gutterkizmet said...

Best CD of the year ....

Music is passing me by as well ... I have almost as many CD's as you, and I am almost as much into music - however I have only bought 2 CD's this year. That being said - I gotta tell you the best CD of the year has to be System of a Down's Mezmerize. The first of 2 discs they realeased this year, it is incredible. The flow, the effects, the voice - I think I was addicted to it on repeat for about 3 months straight ....

2:47 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Didn't buy much this year either, but two I did get and loved were Beck's Guero and Kanye West'sLate Registration.

Both of them are excellent, and I would put them up there with some of my favorite albums the last 5 years, not just this past year.

2:12 PM  

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