Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Interesting movie tidbits

Considering Ford is now older than Sean Connery when he played Jones' dad in the last movie, I'd say the chances of this happenning are coming close to nil at this point. And really, is it really necessary to do a fourth Indiana Jones when by the time it comes out, it'll be nearly 20 years since the original came out? Just leave it be guys.

Knowing Lucas and Spielberg, I bet they take Ford's ultimatum as an impetus to get cracking though.

This would've actually been cool for the original, as Duchovny is a much better Bruce Banner than Bana was in terms of looks and general demeanor. That's no knock on Bana, who looks like he'll be robbed of an oscar nomination for Munich. It's more a statement of how Duchovny would be a better fit. But at this point, is the sequel really a good idea? Lee's take on the film showed how difficult it is to translate the dichotomy between Banner and the Hulk and if he can't do it, I'm not sure who could. Again, this isn't the best of ideas.


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