Thursday, March 23, 2006


Ever get sick to the point where you sort of feel like crap, but you're still fully functional and feel wrong taking off from work? well, that's the paradise I'm living in today. My nose feels like someone is holding a feather up to it trying to make me sneeze, my throat is aching and my head feels like a gnome came in at night and filled it with the filling they put in twinkies. Ugh. On a positive note, it's Thursday, my boss is leaving for the weekend at 11 and I've completed the biggest projects I had to take care of for the week. It is for that reason that i call on today to be the day when my office institutes our first office wide rest hour.

Anyone else have a rest hour in camp? It was usually after lunch and generally, was the most boring hour of the day until I turned 14 and then it became an essential one hour power nap time (this may seem weird to those who know my inability to nap prowess or lack thereof). Anyway, who wouldn't function better with an hours of zs? Granted, I had a friend who used to sneak to his company's lounge and do just that, but I want a legit hour to relax, sleep and think of a time when my head didn't feel like a blimp.


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