Friday, July 07, 2006

Stressing for others, stressing for myself

So, as some of you know, my dad had both his hips replaced yesterday. A big procedure to be sure, but one I know was needed. Having watched him struggle the last few months, it is my strongest desire that he gets alot of his mobility back. I know the rehab will take time, but knowing how strong my dad is, I have no doubt he'll be back and better than ever.

The last few months have certainly been a real mixed bag of wonderful and worriesome things. Clearly, getting engaged to the woman I love was the highlight and I had a wonderful birthday. Still, the stress of my dad's condition coupled with my own personal crap has left my in not-so-peak form over the last few weeks/months. Now that he's on the road to recovery and I'm moving forward with my life, I hope to return to the happy-go-lucky jokester you all know and (some of you) love.


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