Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Life Adjustments

As someone who always approaches change with a certain amount of trepidation, any major life change always brings with it some amount of anxiety. Getting engaged is no different and clearly, there are many things that Shira and I will be working on in the months and years to come in determining how we want to solidify our personal relationship, incorporating our other relationships with our family and friends into our lives and how we want our family to exist once we decide to add children to the mix. It will take work from both of us and I am as confident in her as I am in myself that we can find a way to have a happy life together. The old saying goes that nothing worth having comes easily and I guess that's really true. Shira is so special and such an amazing person and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank god (and Amy) for bringing her into my life. And I know all the work we put into building our lives together will reap amazing benefits in the end.

But as our president would say "It's hard work."


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