Monday, July 10, 2006

Nah, nah, nah, nah.nah,nah, nah-Batman!

HBO On Demand, likely in anticipation of Superman Returns, has been showing several "classic" superhero movies this month including one of the original Superman flicks. I quotate "classic" as any group of movies that contains Batman & Robin AND Catwoman is a bit suspect. Luckily, or so I thought, the original Tim Burton Batman was playing as well, so I watched it hoping to rekindle my love of the movie that was such a monster hit when i was 13.


Maybe it's the fact that nearly twenty years have passed. Or maybe it's the fact that Batman Begins so radically altered how we look at the character of Batman. In any event, I found the movie to be not as great as I once found it. In fact, in many ways, the film blows. For starters, you don't get to see much of Batman for the first 1/2 hour of the flick. You get one throw-away scene at the beginining, but it's more a token scene than anything else. Secondly, why the hell is Robert Wuhl in it so much? Maybe my hatred of Arliss is warping me, but everytime he was on screen-scamming on Vikki Vale, rattling of smart-ass comments to the Mayor and Comissioner-I wanted to punch the TV. Third, am I the only one who secretly awaits Billy Dee Williams' Harvey Dent to pull out a 40 of Colt 45 whenever he's on screen? Finally, and this is my biggest complaint, Michael Keaton is an AWFUL Batman. Granted, George Clooney's Batman was so horrible that it makes Keaton look Oscar worthy, but Keaton doesn't come across as the rich son of privelege who becomes a vigilanted that really defines the character.

The one thing that remains entertaining is Jack Nicholson as the Joker. They really should've made a Joker only film just for him.


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