Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Bush to veto the end to the ban on federal funding of stem cell reasearch

You know, with the crap condition the world is in, you would think any opportunity to improve the world would be welcome with open arms. Apparently not, as the Chimp is intending his veto power (the first time in his six years as president) to veto a bill allowing federal funding of stem cell research. While it's not surprising considering his beliefs, it is rather pathetic that he can't see past his rather nonsensical reasoning to see the potential good stem cell research could do. The worst part is that the grounds he uses to support his position are fault-the embryos in question are already going to be discarded if they aren't used. Unless he has his daughters implant them into their uterin walls and birth hundreds of babies, I really see no moral reason to block this.

I think that g-d or Jesus or whoever is in charge up there wants humans to help humans. Blocking stem cell research doesn't save lives; it stops the potential to save more lives.


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