Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Mangina is now a Knick

If there was one player I desperately wanted the Knicks to not get, it would definitely be Steve "Mangina" Francis. The guy makes Marbury look like an upstanding citizen by comparission. Granted, all they lost was Hardaway and Ariza, but why grab a guy who's going to piss and moan sooner rather than later? I mean, he's been whining since the day he was drafted by Vancouver. The guy is just awful and I say that with the utmost contempt and hatred of him.

So in order to alleviate the pain of this deal, I ask anyone reading this to please start referring to Francis as Mangina. After his whining over who drafted him, after whining when Cuttino got traded and after his pathetic display in Orlando, he's earned it.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Why let the Iranians and anti-semites have all the fun?

So now, us Jews can control the anti-semitic media as well:

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

This sums up the cartoon controversy nicely

King of Vegas

My new Tuesday night addiction, King of Vegas, had one of its better shows last night as the appropriately named "Big Boy" was eliminated, thus depriving the viewers of a potential dream match up between him and Chainsaw in the finals. At this point, unless you watch the show, you probably have no clue what the hell I'm discussing, but damnit if this show isn't one of the more entertaining/ridiculous concepts ever. Take one part World Series of Poker, one part cheesy reality show and whole lot of ridiculous gambling addicts and it's a great recipe for an hour of fun. The best part is watching the competitors jaw back and forth which is usally frowned upon at the WSOP. That, and watching people bet on horses. Nothing comes close to watching competitive horse racing gambling.

Tuesdays at 10 on Spike TV.Check it out.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

NBA mulligan

It's always amusing to revisit sports picks made before a season and see where they match up half way through the season. To wit, of the teams I picked to make the playoffs, six are currently out of contention. Therefore, here are my revised picks, broken down by when they'll be eliminated:

Eastern Conference:

Lottery Bound: New York, Toronto, Boston, Orlando, Charlotte, Atlanta, Washington
First Round and Gone: Philadelphia, Chicago, Indiana, Milwaukee
Conference Semi Finals:Cleveland, New Jersey
Final loser: Miami
Conference Champ: Detroit

Western Conference:

Lottery Bound: Portland, Seattle, Utah, Minnesota, Golden State, New Orleans, Houston
First Round and Gone: Sacramento, Lakers, Denver, Clippers
Conference Semis: Memphis, Dallas
Final loser: San Antonio
Conference Champ: Phoenix

NBA Champion: Detroit. But they won't win 70 games.

One year ago today

I discovered I needed a root canal, was given the most painful injection of novocaine in my life and swore off female dentists forever.

On a positive note, I also met a lovely person who affectionately calls me "fucker" and has made my life 100X times happier and more enjoyable than it was before.

I think I'll stick to celebrating the latter. Love ya, sweetie :)

Monday, February 06, 2006

Time to grow up children

Yes, I understand Muslims are upset over depictions of Muhammed. But is this ok all of a sudden?

Note, the cartoonist was not Jewish.

So what gives?

Muslim hypocrisy

Now that controversy over the allegedly offensive Danish cartoons as escalated out of control, it's time for some perspective. First, Arabs/Muslims have long defiled other groups in cartoons:

Second, how did some arabs respond to this controversy? Why, by denying the holocaust, making fun of Anne Frank and calling homosexuality the same as beastiality:

gotta love hypocrites.