Thursday, May 22, 2008

Been a while..

and I suddenly had an urge to write here again. Perhaps I will do so on a regular basis or maybe not. Anyway, today is 32 years + 1 day, so I guess I'm one day wiser than I was yesterday, though the copious amounts of reality TV I watched last night might have cut my daily wiseness growth significantly. It was good to say America picked the right David and it gives me a slight bit of hope that perhaps we as a nation have wisened up. Of course, come November, this opinion may very well change.

I also watched Top Chef and can't believe they eliminated the last interesting person on the show (ok, I like Spike a lot, but he isn't that great of a cook). I get that Dale was a bit of an ass..ok, a lot more than a bit of one, but it was quite clear that he shouldn't have been eliminated last night. I think they are trying very hard to ensure a female chef wins this year and keeping Lisa over Dale, even as she screwed up two main components of dinner in such a stunning fashion strengthens that belief. Yes, I am now officially a reality show conspiracy theorist, so I will fashion myself a nice tin foil hat later.


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