Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Not that I oppose boycotting Bryan Adams, but...

this is a perfect example of why absolutists of the world simply suck. The One Voice Movement, a co-existence group which seeks to bring Israelis and Palestinians together to showcase their common interests to promote peace, was planning a pair of concerts to occur in Jericho and Tel Aviv simultaneously. This was part of a larger summit to showcase the many voices on both sides who want peace. Unfortunately, due to "unforseen circumstances", the event was cancelled:


Now, it would be one thing if the slanders being made against One Voice were true and/or they were wrong about this, but the group involved in making these slanders not only doesn't deny this, but proudly announced its role in causing the cancellation of this event:


I happen to think ISM (the group which Rachel Corrie belonged to) is a huge detriment to peace and this just further proves that.


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